DOC for PDCOPY This is a floppy disk copy program for ProDOS disks. It has some limitations, which are: 1. It copies only ProDOS disks. 2. The disks must be formatted beforehand. 3. It is strictly a two drive program. The advantages are: 1. It is fast, especially on partially full disks. 2. It will work on any size disk up to 4096 blocks. (Thus it should work with the 800K disks.) 3. It tries hard to read and write and allows continuation after errors. The reasons that I did not include a formatter are that I have no formatter that I regard as reliable and that will work with drives other than DISK ][. Disks must be ProDOS formatted. Use FILER or some similar utility to do this. I suggest formatting a bunch. I mainly wrote this as a copy program that is convenient to access from hard disk. It can be used without that however. The program is a SYS program which means it is stand-alone and does not require the presence of the BASIC interpreter. You are asked for slot and drive for the original and duplicate disks. These will be used for all subsequent copies, so you don't have to keep repeating these specifications. The program checks to see if these correspond to mounted devices and, if not, returns to the start. The program then looks at the original volume and checks that it has less than 4096 blocks. If not it gives an error message. It then checks to see if the duplicate volume has the same number of blocks and gives an error message if not. (Thus you can copy only between the same type devices.) It is impossible to accidently copy from a floppy to a hard disk. The program then checks to see if the number of used blocks on the original is the same as that given in the bit map. (If not the disk is damaged and you will have to use another copy program if you still want to copy it.) The program displays the name of the original and the name of the duplicate and you are asked if you really want to destroy the latter. If not, it will exit (via a Quit call). If so, the copy will proceed. The block currently being read or written is displayed at the bottom of the screen in inverse. Only blocks listed as used in the bit map are copied. If a read or write error occurs the program retries four times. If still unable to do the read or write, the program will tell you the error and ask if you want to continue or not. If not it will exit through Quit. If you want to continue anyway (and try to fix the bad block by other means) you should make a note of the block on which the error occurred and then type C for continue. When the copy is done you will be asked if you want to do another copy. You must replace the disks BEFORE answering this because the next copy will start immediately at the point of key press.